As a small business owner, you probably already know how to make good use out of your local print shop in Sausalito by printing high quality, expertly designed promotional posters and flyers. But beyond displaying these materials prominently in your storefront window or handing them out to passersby, how can you get the most out of these materials? Once you approach it from a creative standpoint, distributing and displaying your promotional materials can be very rewarding—and even a little bit fun. Here is a closer look at five ways you can accomplish this:
- Keep it nice: No matter how perfect the design or how clever the copy, a poster will not reflect well on your business if it is too tattered or dirty to read. Wherever you choose to hang or hand out your promotional materials, make sure that you check them early and often to make sure they stay looking nice. Remember, when it comes to your business’ reputation, you need all the positive optics you can get.
- Make it mobile: How can you get the most mileage out of your business’ promotional materials? Why, by making them mobile, of course! Investing in stickers, postcards, flyers and anything else that is easy to hand out, easy to display in small or unconventional spaces and enticing for consumers to take and show off is a great way to boost public knowledge and perception of your business.
- Think symbiotically: When choosing to display posters and flyers in other storefronts and public areas around town, take a moment to think about your core demographic, and where you might best reach them. For example, if you own a hip clothing boutique aimed at millennials, you’ll want to put posters up in trendy bars and coffee houses, not the big chain restaurants. In return, allow the businesses where you post your materials to also display their flyers in your store, creating a stronger sense of community.
- Make it interactive: Obviously, customers are going to be much more excited about using your business if it is presented like a game or fun activity, rather than like a chore or command. For example, to drum up business from passersby, try placing signs every 50 feet or so telling customers they are getting closer and closer to “the best cherry pie in town,” or whatever it is you have to offer. If they start going the other direction, have signs telling them they are getting colder.
- Look for events: Finally, rather than just posting at the old standbys, be proactive in looking for different events that will draw big crowds, even ones from far away. This is your chance to make a name for yourself, increase visibility and maybe even gain a cult following.
If you are looking to create a name for yourself with well placed, inventively designed and high quality posters, flyers and other promotional materials, then please visit or get in touch with Joanne’s Print Shop, your locally owned and operated print shop in Sausalito.